A three-dimensional metal surface with a graphic and sinuous character, inspired by the seductive sensuality of the waters of the Venice Lagoon.
Lagunare combines the marine element with the modernity of contemporary lines.

The mirrored surface of the boiserie reflects and amplifies the light dancing in the room, creating an effect of perpetual movement that evokes the enchantment of waves in eternal motion. Every corner, every curve, captures the fluid essence of water flowing through the canals of Venice.


The tactile sensation is an irresistible invitation to contemplation, while the fluid forms gently accompany us to explore the depths of design.

A fluid and sensual soul that evokes the mysteries and suggestions of the city on water. Every detail is a tribute to the magic and unique atmosphere of Venice, the essence of one of the most fascinating cities in the world, and in this surface it becomes the tangible work of its rare beauty.


LAGUNARE is available in 4 metallic modular panels that create endless possibilities for composition.
On these pages some examples suggested by Guardini Ciuffreda Studioudio

sede principale
Via Guido Rossa,12 Scorzè, 30037, Venezia

sede secondaria
Via dell’Artigianato 1, Trebaseleghe, 35010, Padova

Tel +39 041446351


P.IVA 03812510273