the balance of opposites
to forge, to know, to understand
to mold, to create, to shape
the emotion of matter
in the making
the first collection of Materica
elevating substance
experiences and expressions
dialogues and moments
the balance of opposites
to forge, to know, to understand
to mold, to create, to shape
emotion from matter
in the making
the first collection of Materica
to elevate the substance
experiences and expressions
ddialogues and moments

the balance of opposites
to forge, to know, to understand
to mold, to create, to shape
the emotion of matter
in the making
the first collection of Materica
elevating substance
experiences and expressions
dialogues and moments
the balance of opposites
to forge, to know, to understand
to mold, to create, to shape
emotion from matter
in the making
the first collection of Materica
to elevate the substance
experiences and expressions
ddialogues and moments

in the making
We transform different materials into objects and manufactures of luxury
Intuition that liberates the essence. Technique that shapes the design. It is functionality THAT rebels against its function alone. And becomes aesthetic.
To make a product a work of art. Of copper and bronze, of steel, of aluminum and brass.
To make, OUT of a phenomenon, a sensation.
The rituality of science. The sacredness of art.

in the making
Innovation laboratory.
Workshop of chemistry made into art.
We are in constant becoming.
To always come up with new forms, new solutions, new finishes.
We transform different materials into objects and manufactures of luxury
Intuition that liberates the essence. Technique that shapes the design. It is functionality THAT rebels against its function alone. And becomes aesthetic.
To make a product a work of art. Of copper and bronze, of steel, of aluminum and brass.

sede principale
Via Guido Rossa,12 Scorzè, 30037, Venezia
sede secondaria
Via dell’Artigianato 1, Trebaseleghe, 35010, Padova
Tel +39 041446351
P.IVA 03812510273
sede principale
Via Guido Rossa,12 Scorzè
30037, Venezia
Tel +39 041446351
P.IVA 0381251023
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