SIPARIO, a name that evokes the mystery and promise of a theatrical experience, directed by Matteo Cibic.

Imagine being in front of a large stage, ready to discover what is hidden behind the curtain. A surface with a trompe l’oeil relief effect that deceives the eye and enchants the vision by stimulating the imagination. Every fold, every drape seems to come to life under the light, as if moved by a sudden wind or just moved by the thespian to begin the performance.


Like the real curtain of a theatre, this woodwork conceals a world of possibilities and potential, ready to be revealed in the designer’s future creations. It is a foretaste of what is to come, a preview of a show of creativity and innovation that still has much to offer.

Sipario’s bold and theatrical aesthetic reflects the soul of its creator, Matteo Cibic, known for his eclectic and visionary approach to design. With this boiserie, he invites observers to immerse themselves in a world of fantasy and imagination, and to ask more questions than to receive answers. A surface to amplify space and to create continuous excitement.


The height of the panels can be castomizable according to the height of the interior on which it will be installed, up to a maximum of 400cm

sede principale
Via Guido Rossa,12 Scorzè, 30037, Venezia

sede secondaria
Via dell’Artigianato 1, Trebaseleghe, 35010, Padova

Tel +39 041446351


P.IVA 03812510273