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the balance of opposites

to forge, to know, to understand

to mold, to create, to shape

the emotion of matter

in the making

the first collection of Materica

elevating substance

experiences and expressions

dialogues and moments


the balance of opposites

to forge, to know, to understand

to mold, to create, to shape

emotion from matter

in the making

the first collection of Materica

to elevate the substance

experiences and expressions

ddialogues and moments


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Research and Intuition.
It is vision. It is experimentation.
New languages.

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the balance of opposites

to forge, to know, to understand

to mold, to create, to shape

the emotion of matter

in the making

the first collection of Materica

elevating substance

experiences and expressions

dialogues and moments


the balance of opposites

to forge, to know, to understand

to mold, to create, to shape

emotion from matter

in the making

the first collection of Materica

to elevate the substance

experiences and expressions

ddialogues and moments


experiences and expressions


A-typical chair

A simple chair is not a “simple” chair.

Here the ingenuity and creativity of Storage,

the quality and tradition of GTV

and the emotion and technique of Materica have come together.

And thus was born a product that adds nothing new to the design scene

and for that very reason amplifies its significance.

experiences and expressions


A-typical chair

A simple chair is not a “simple” chair.

Here the ingenuity and creativity of Storage,

the quality and tradition of GTV

and the emotion and technique of Materica have come together.

And thus was born a product that adds nothing new to the design scene

and for that very reason amplifies its significance.

sede principale
Via Guido Rossa,12 Scorzè, 30037, Venezia

sede secondaria
Via dell’Artigianato 1, Trebaseleghe, 35010, Padova

Tel +39 041446351

email: info@materica.eu

P.IVA 03812510273

sede principale
Via Guido Rossa,12 Scorzè
30037, Venezia

Tel +39 041446351

P.IVA 0381251023


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