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the balance of opposites

to forge, to know, to understand

to mold, to create, to shape

the emotion of matter

in the making

the first collection of Materica

elevating substance

experiences and expressions

dialogues and moments


the balance of opposites

to forge, to know, to understand

to mold, to create, to shape

emotion from matter

in the making

the first collection of Materica

to elevate the substance

experiences and expressions

ddialogues and moments


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Research and Intuition.
It is vision. It is experimentation.
New languages.

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the balance of opposites

to forge, to know, to understand

to mold, to create, to shape

the emotion of matter

in the making

the first collection of Materica

elevating substance

experiences and expressions

dialogues and moments


the balance of opposites

to forge, to know, to understand

to mold, to create, to shape

emotion from matter

in the making

the first collection of Materica

to elevate the substance

experiences and expressions

ddialogues and moments


experiences and expressions


Materica, the ideal partner for projects of all kinds

At Milan Design Week 2024, Materica presented the innovative Superfici Venice Collection, its first boiserie collection. This event represented a turning point for the company, showcasing its creative and design capabilities to manage projects of all kinds. Superfici Venice Collection, developed under the artistic direction of GuardiniCiuffreda Studio with the collaboration of leading creatives, caught the attention of designers and architects thanks to its unique combination of refined aesthetics and expressive power. The proposed surfaces, characterised by elegant textures and high quality finishes, are a clear example of what Materica can do.

Versatility and craftsmanship

Superfici Venice Collection demonstrates how Materica can transform any project into a beautiful reality. The company’s capabilities offer innovative solutions that combine the versatility of metallization with the quality of craftsmanship. This collection is the result of intensive research and development aimed at creating products that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional and sustainable. Thanks to these characteristics, Materica has established itself as an ideal partner for projects that require innovation, craftsmanship and craftsmanship.

Materica’s ability to adapt

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Materica is distinguished by its ability to adapt to various types of projects for the world of design, architecture and art. Materica’s metallization allows it to be integrated into different contexts while maintaining a high standard of quality. This versatility is one of the main reasons why many designers and architects choose Materica for their projects: the possibility to customise surfaces according to specific customer requirements makes Materica a reliable and innovative partner, capable of satisfying the most demanding requests.

Metallization is the heart of Materica’s philosophy

Metallization represents the heart of Materica’s design philosophy. This technique, applied to all Superfici Venice Collection panelling, creates unique visual and tactile effects that transform what is not metal into metal. Metallization not only adds aesthetic value, but also contributes to the durability and resistance of the surfaces. Thanks to this, Materica offers solutions that combine beauty and functionality, making it a key player in the decorative surfaces sector.

experiences and expressions


Materica, the ideal partner for projects of all kinds

At Milan Design Week 2024, Materica presented the innovative Superfici Venice Collection, its first boiserie collection. This event represented a turning point for the company, showcasing its creative and design capabilities to manage projects of all kinds. Superfici Venice Collection, developed under the artistic direction of GuardiniCiuffreda Studio with the collaboration of leading creatives, caught the attention of designers and architects thanks to its unique combination of refined aesthetics and expressive power. The proposed surfaces, characterised by elegant textures and high quality finishes, are a clear example of what Materica can do.

Versatility and craftsmanship

Superfici Venice Collection demonstrates how Materica can transform any project into a beautiful reality. The company’s capabilities offer innovative solutions that combine the versatility of metallization with the quality of craftsmanship. This collection is the result of intensive research and development aimed at creating products that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional and sustainable. Thanks to these characteristics, Materica has established itself as an ideal partner for projects that require innovation, craftsmanship and craftsmanship.

Materica’s ability to adapt

<p><!– /wp:heading –>

Materica is distinguished by its ability to adapt to various types of projects for the world of design, architecture and art. Materica’s metallization allows it to be integrated into different contexts while maintaining a high standard of quality. This versatility is one of the main reasons why many designers and architects choose Materica for their projects: the possibility to customise surfaces according to specific customer requirements makes Materica a reliable and innovative partner, capable of satisfying the most demanding requests.

Metallization is the heart of Materica’s philosophy

Metallization represents the heart of Materica’s design philosophy. This technique, applied to all Superfici Venice Collection panelling, creates unique visual and tactile effects that transform what is not metal into metal. Metallization not only adds aesthetic value, but also contributes to the durability and resistance of the surfaces. Thanks to this, Materica offers solutions that combine beauty and functionality, making it a key player in the decorative surfaces sector.

sede principale
Via Guido Rossa,12 Scorzè, 30037, Venezia

sede secondaria
Via dell’Artigianato 1, Trebaseleghe, 35010, Padova

Tel +39 041446351

email: info@materica.eu

P.IVA 03812510273

sede principale
Via Guido Rossa,12 Scorzè
30037, Venezia

Tel +39 041446351

P.IVA 0381251023


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